Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Skye's Interesting Map

    This is a map from Warriors, a fictional book series written by Erin Hunter about clans of anthropomorphized cats. The different clans lie in different territories as marked on the map. I don’t deny that I chose this map due to being a fan of the series, but I think there are some interesting insights that can be taken away from it.  
    The map is labeled from the perspective of the cats, who have their own names for the things that they have encountered. Such names include “twolegplace” instead of neighborhood and “thunderpath” instead of road. It is also worth paying attention to what is and is not named. The cats have different regions and landmarks that are important to them and are therefore labeled on the map. If a human in this fictional universe were to label this area, they may have given more attention to the different houses and roads while not being so specific with labeling the surrounding wilderness. 
    The ecological features of the different clans and  their surrounding areas also correlate to each clan’s abilities and customs. RiverClan cats live near a large river and therefore primarily eat fish and are better at swimming than cats from other clans. WindClan’s large open area is reflected in its residents’ ability to run fast and preference to sleep out in the open instead of in dens. ThunderClan cats are great climbers due to the surrounding trees. ShadowClan’s lower elevation and seclusion give its cats privacy but also cause them to be misunderstood by the other clans. 

1 comment:

Abbee F. said...

Hi Skye! This map is so cool! I love to look at maps from stories that I'm reading. I like that you mentioned the difference between how we might have labeled this map versus how the author made it from a fictional point of view. In your last paragraph, you talk about how certain cats and their abilities help to determine where they live or choose to live. I think in a way this is similar to us as humans! Great job!