Monday, November 7, 2022

Religion Post

This map shows the Sikh Society member count by county in the United States. 

This map shows a very little amount of Sikh Society members in the US.  The majority of this small group is located mostly on the west coast of the United States with a couple located in the east and nearly none in the middle of the country. The majority that practice this are found in the Indian state of Punjab and most Americans do not know their practices.  

    The probable reason for this map and most of the population being on the west coast is because that is where they first settled.  They arrived in the United States around 1800 and primarily settled on the west coast.  Here they spend many of their skills building railroads on the west coast with some exceptions in other parts of the country.  

    This scattering can account for the outliers that arise today across the country.  One other reason for the little population could be discrimination.  The United States typically does not commonly know this religion like other countries do.  This creates a large disconnect that can cause members of the Sikh Society to immigrate elsewhere. 

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