Sunday, November 6, 2022

Religion Demographics- Jewish population


This data shows the percentage of Jewish congregations by state in the United States. The data gives both the percentage and the total number of Jewish congregations. There were a lot of insights gained through this. 

The state that has the most Jewish congregations is New York (783 congregations- 5.64%) which I did expect, New York City alone has a large Jewish population, and with New York City being such a melting pot of all different races, religions, cultures, it makes sense there would be a lot of different congregations there from all different walks of life. California came in third place (366-1.69%) and New Jersey in second (278-4.25%). The northeast in general had more Jewish congregations than someplace like the south or the midwest. A large part of this I believe is similar to my last post with the Italian languages, if these started with Jewish immigrants then it makes sense NYC would be where they would travel to. 

Certain states surprised me with how many they had. California is one of the only states on that section of the map that has a large population of Jewish practitioners, next up is Nevada, since Las Vegas is another place where there is a notable Jewish population. Colorado and Florida also had populations of note, and 2 places I wasn’t really expecting to have any action at all, Alaska and Hawaii had pretty real numbers. Alaska’s population was smaller, only 0.48%, but Hawaii had 1.01% and 11 congregations.


jessfsands said...

I love the fact that you made a connection between this religion post and your previous language post! Very insightful and helps us recognize more correlations between religion and language. I would definitely be interested in seeing how this data appears at the county level, in particular in New York state. It would be interesting to see how the Jewish population diffuses out from NYC.

Great insights overall!

Alexa said...

Your map is very interesting and informative. However, it would be easier to see the exact location of these populations if it was somewhere more specific than just states alone. For example, if you did it by county. I like that you used exact numbers in your description so it is easier to understand the specific difference in populations.