Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Population Distribution and General Demographic Data - Texas

 The first of my maps is a display of the percentage of republican votes throughout the state of Texas for the 2020 presidential election. The darker the shade of red in the county, the higher the percentage of republican voters in the respective county. It is interesting to note the glaring observation which is that most of the state is very red, except for all of its major cities. This relates to my second map as the second map displays population density in each county by percentage. It is essentially a reflection of the first map as the population is most dense in all of the major city areas that leaned more democratically in the 2020 election. This is interesting because in the 2020 election, Texas was declared a red state meaning the many less dense counties outweighed the fewer, but denser, cities. My third map also relates to the first two as it is a map of urban population in each Texas county. The urban population, being heavily related to city-like areas, is often seen leaning left politically. This mirrors the previous two maps as the densest areas and the most left-leaning areas are in line with the areas that have the highest percentage in urban population


Abbee F. said...

That is so interesting! I find the comparison between the map of the total votes casted and population density very interesting. By looking at the map of the votes casted, it gives the illusion that Texas is a very populated state when in reality (and according to the population density map) Texas is only really heavily populated in the areas close to the big cities. I like how you included different characteristics of the states from your maps!

Spencer said...

It's interesting to me just how consistently this same type of pattern appears across the US. Similar results came up in my state, as well. Major cities with denser populations seem to consistently result in more left-leaning votes, and more rural areas seem to result in right-leaning votes.