Thursday, October 3, 2024

Nevada Demographic Maps - Skye

These maps are from Social Explorer and use the ACS 2022 5 year estimates.

This is a map of Nevada’s population density by county. It is no surprise that Clark County, which holds Las Vegas, and Carson City are the densest. It is also worth nothing Washoe county, which is large and denser than most other counties due to Reno and its surrounding area. The reason most of Nevada is sparse could be ecological, since most of the counties are hot, dry, and not very arable. Since cities are more likely to vote Democrat while rural areas are more Republican, most counties in Nevada may vote Republican next election.

The next map is of median household income by county. Nevada does not seem to follow the trend of people in the cities and suburbs being more wealthy than people in rural areas. My best guess as to why this is is because of mining in the more remote parts of the state. It is also worth pointing out that Mineral and Esmerelda counties are poorer than the rest, which may be because mining is not big in those places.

The final map is the percentage of people within each county with a bachelor’s degree. The denser counties have higher rates, which is likely due to more access to education and more jobs that require degrees, while more rural areas may have more blue collar jobs. According to this article, people in the middle and upper class are more likely to vote Democrat if they have a degree. Since much of the sparse area of Nevada is wealthy but not as educated as the cities, the people in those areas are most likely to vote Republican in the next election. 

1 comment:

Noely said...

I also found it very interesting how in Nevada the richer counties are the ones that are less populated and in rural areas. I found that Lander County had a median household income of 92,388 in 2022. This statistic seemed crazy to me because it is way above the median income of the United States. I wonder if there are certain families who are in those county who are skewing these results. Nonetheless, this is a very interesting demographic to look at.